How to Stop Tracks From Expanding in Logic

  • #4

Holy cow ... I gotta test this out. This could be a game changer.

EDIT: wow, this is very promising. Just tested it on my MBP's busking template (which is limited in size). I don't know if the project really loaded any faster, but it appears that it does indeed refrain from loading samples in Kontakt on empty tracks. When I click on such a track, it immediately pops up the Kontakt "loading samples" dialog for the instruments on that Kontakt instance. Seems like this could work ... I'll have to wait until later this afternoon to try it with my full orchestral template in the studio though.

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  • #14

I'm on Mojave (10.14.5). This is what I see right now: no install option yet (even though 10.4.5 is showing in version history), just 'OPEN' as the only option. Could be different in Switzerland, as we have different App Stores.

Ditto here, in US. Mojave, and App Store shows 10.4.5 in Version History, but no actual install link.

  • #16

Try logging out of and back in to the App Store, and/or restarting your Macs.

Didn't work for me. I'm in California.



... i am a robot ... viruses have no effect ...

  • #18

Wow, very solid point update. Lots of optimisations, UI is definitely snappier. Track load/unload works like a dream. Works across multiple tracks simultaneously without any hiccups. User defaults for the mixer window...hurrah!

  • #19

Something else you can try -- I had to click on "Updates" in the App store's sidebar, then select "Reload Page" (Command-R) from the "Store" menu in order to get it to show up here.

Thanks for the tip, it worked.

  • #20

The new "Only load plug-ins needed for project playback" feature seems similar to making instrument track plugins inactive in Pro Tools. It's a great way to reduce the RAM used in a session. I wonder if this new Logic Pro X feature works better at releasing RAM during the process than Pro Tools does.

The problem in Pro Tools is that it lets go of some but not all of the RAM when you make the plugins inactive (after having already been active). For example, I can open a big template with all of the plugins inactive and Pro Tools memory meter reads only 10%. As I activate plugins and then deactivate them, the memory usage creeps ever upward in a two steps forward (make active), one step back pattern (make inactive). After activating and deactivating instrument track plugins over and over again, the same state I began with at 10% memory usage may read at 40-50% memory usage. Closing and reopening the session doesn't help, but quitting Pro Tools and restarting it with the same session finally returns RAM usage to its original 10%.

Has anyone tried using the new feature in Logic enough to determine whether it releases every bit of the RAM after unloading a plugin? If so, I may start using Logic Pro X more often again.

Thanks, in advance, for any feedback.



How to Stop Tracks From Expanding in Logic


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